The notion of trying to "flush" your system is silly. There is nought to be gained; don't bother near it.
Niacin is water soluble. Your body will hold only what it requirements. Do drink lots of water to flush your system. Do not overdose on vitamin pills. There are several overweight soluble ones which you can get hypervitaminosis from.
Niacin is a vitamin at low doses (milligrams) found contained by food. At high doses (grams), it can be used as a drug to lower cholesterol. But this should be done single under a doctor's supervision. High doses of niacin will produce flushing (a warm sensation starting on your frontage, then spreading throughout the body). Most citizens think flushing is a massively unpleasant sensation. There are some time-release formulas to avoid this, available with a prescription.
To my comprehension, niacin will not do anything to flush your system. Ask your doctor whether "flushing" your system is a good thought in the first place. There are some over-the-counter preparations used to prepare patients for colonoscopy that would do the trick.
Again, why do you requirement to flush your system? Are you trying to lose weight? If so, flushing your system isn't the path to go. Talk to a doctor or pharmacist.
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