Wednesday, November 30, 2011

within clinical trial, how long Phase IV trials take?

Phase IV trials are post marketing i.e. after a drug has become available for broad prescriptive use. These trials very tremendously, depending on what characteristics of information you want to get from them. For example, some trials for blood pressure markdown drugs may take years - you obligation this to prove the drug is having a positive effect on read aloud, reduction on risk of a stroke, etc, within addition to the narrowing in BP. You may desire to run a shorter trial comparing 2 or more medications to discover what the patients' perception is - these can be relatively short - weeks even.
Consider that by the time you are starting a Phase IV trial you know adjectives the basics, pharmacokinetics & dynamics, invigorating dose, efficacy, etc, you are after additional, adjectives information. They can be as short or as long as you like.
Each country have their own definition of acceptable clinical trials. Suggest consultation of the relevant rule department for more information.
it will take going on for 2 weeks because the process of doing phase iv is a very long one and according to my colleagues,this king of phase is awfully sensitive and stressful
it is post marketing phase and the monitoring of ADRs
If I m not mistaken it can take up to 5 - 10 years (post marketing study). It is done after the drug have been approved for clinical use (licensed). It is high-status to see the long term effects of the drug. Example is Vioxx, where on earth the long term effect see after long years of usage. It could mean that the drug inevitability to be withdrawn due to harmful unwanted effect.

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